Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Reiki - The Healing Touch

Once it is realized that our body is a healing machine, the realization that everything which lives and breathes has the power to heal becomes known.  When a finger is cut or a broken bone occurs, there is a natural process that takes place inside our body.  The cut will begin to become shallow, and create a protective barrier called a scab and the finger may be splinted for the components within the body to begin their work in bringing the bone back together.  Our bodies were born with these very healing features already innate within our DNA.  Not only are we a physical being however, we are created with emotions and a spirit.  In the same way that the body naturally has the power to heal itself physically, so do the emotional body, and the spiritual self.  By design we are created part of the universe; to work in and with the elements to create wholeness.  Now the question is, where does this power come from and how can we harness it?

I am reveled by the intuitive nature that we each possess to tap in and have knowingness to our own pain, be it physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Through the guidance of Creator our being will show us where that pain originated and how it is manifesting.   A healing practitioner becomes a vessel for the Spirit in guiding to an area in or around the body that needs healing.   The healing does not come from the practitioner, it is an energy that exists in all things, Creator’s breath of life.

What is Reiki?
Reiki (Ray-key) is made up of two Japanese words: 
  • Rei - meaning universal, spiritual or free flowing, God
  • Ki - meaning life force energy, breath of life

Reiki is a God’s breath of life.
This energy is being discovered and better understood in the modern science world through the study of quantum physics.  Science is beginning to recognize the subatomic energy which exists in all matter.  Throughout history various cultures and ancient civilizations have shared their understanding of this energy, including Ch'i (Chinese), Prana (Asian Indian), Barraka (Islamic countries), Ruach (Hebrews), Mana (Polynesians) and Orenda (Iroquois Native Americans), to name but a few!

What Can Reiki Do?
  •          Provide relaxation, increase confidence, offer peace and joy
  •          Remove tension, negative thoughts and feelings
  •          Create balance and focus
  •       Assist in developing self –love, and love for others
  •       Encourage accountability for personal goals an interests
  •       Enhance any other treatment or medication without interfering with other treatments 
  •        Increase spiritual awareness
  •        Accelerate the natural healing process

What is Reiki used for?
Reiki is a non-invasive healing modality administered by the laying on of hands.  Reiki increases energy, reduces pain, and produces deep relaxation aiding in individual growth and healing.    A Reiki practitioner becomes a vessel for the healing to move through.  The intention of the practitioner is to correct any imbalances that are in the body, be it physical, emotion/mental, and or spiritual. Because the practitioner merely acts as a vessel for the energy, he or she also benefits from the Reiki energy as it passes through them.

Reiki accelerates the process of natural healing that our bodies are created with; encouraging healing in not only the physical, but the emotional body, and the spiritual self.   Reiki can work with orthodox medicine to heal holistically.

What will happen during my Reiki Session?

Before a session the practitioner will offer water to the client in order to encourage the cellular body to prepare for the session.  Treatment will be discussed for the current session as well as reviewing treatment from a previous session if applicable.  Both the client and recipient remain clothed, the client will be asked to remove shoes.  Any tight fitting clothing or large metal accessories may be asked to be removed as well, so not to distract from the session.  The client will lie on a treatment table or sit in a chair.  A full session can last anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour.  While the effects of the shorter session may not be as long lasting as a full session, remarkable results can be obtained even in this short time.  The treatment room will have relaxing music and aromatic fragrances to create a peaceful environment.  These are not essential to the treatment and can be removed if requested. Therapy is administered by placing hands on, or slightly above parts of the body that correspond with the major energy centers (Crown, Brow, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Navel and Root).  The hands are left in each position for 2 to 5 minutes.  After the session is complete client will have the opportunity to share the experience and discuss with practitioner if desired. 

~ Christin Ardito